

In many shot attempts repetition is they key, as you see in this shot my runner almost runs past without being in shot so I had him try again several times in order to get my preferred results.

Special Shooting

When trying to direct my runner I found it was easier to set up visual aids in order to make the process easier, In this shot I placed the leaf right where I wanted the foot to step as you will see in the video. plus the aesthetics of the shot are also rather pleasing and it worked perfectly for a close up which I will use. I had to hope when setting up this shot that the wind wouldn't play a factor and remove my leaf from the frame, also the sound giving my the leaf crunching under impact helps as it's present in other shots
I used this technique before in my earlier shooting but was hindered by other lighting difficulties.

Successful shooting

After much preparation and a day with no rain I was able to get out there and finally start shooting. On the whole my shooting was successful giving me plenty of footage to go through. there were some complications in shooting for example sound of cars, in this sequence a high pitch beeping of a truck reversing. though it comes in quite late and am sure it will not be a problem.
As you can see I have great light which makes the high quality really come through as it's about mid day. 




Whilst seeing many problems in my attempts to use a running theme in my project I thought about the idea of changing to another subject and took some footage in the bowling alley. but as I wasn't happy with the footage, noise pollution and accessibility for varied shots and creative ideas I didn't proceed with this idea, plus I didn't want to waste time having to re do another animatic.


I have had many problems with my project already, some down to poor project management on my part i.e. timing as seen in my poor footage which is unusable due to lighting. Another problem which has held me back in this project is that of the weather, as I am shooting outside with a camera that's not mine I will not be able to shoot in rain which we seem to be having a lot of recently, and seeing as I need to find free time which coincides with my friend who will be staring in my footage, it's proving difficult and is delaying the process.


Poor Footage

As you can see from another clip of my first session of shooting there is very poor light which makes this footage practically unusable. In my most of these clips there are some good sequences where my runner is directly under light but this isn't enough in comparison to times not under light which produces a lot of graining. this session of shooting was hindered by my subjects time table where as he was too late to meet me.

Plus this footage I think was also ruined by myself not getting a tripod.

Initial Shooting

Here is my first session of shooting, as you can see it's early evening which flagged a problem with my footage as it came out of a poor quality and as i shot it got later and darker which rendered my footage pointless

No 5

Finally a faster paced video which I found during my research which I will really be able to use in terms of ideas and shots for my video. Though I intend for my video to be faster as we have 20 or so edit points to account for and no music track as I hear in many of these videos . I will have to work with natural and ambient sound whilst also finding my own sound to add in for effect

No 4

An old Nike running advert which we can all enjoy for its comedic content also adds to the ideas which may be used in my sequence

No 3

Nike running offered me an insight to naked running which isn't that helpful as I do not wish for my subject to be naked though once again it has offered me some useful techniques for my 15 second video though these videos are longer I am taking inspiration in shot that I will copy.

No 2

I also took inspiration from free running videos as they offer many ideas for shots I can go on to incorporate in my video, though this is mearly from an aesthetic point of view as i will not be doing free running but it's key to get a taste.

No 1

My first piece of research which came to mind immediately was the running scene from what women want, as I remembered this from a while back I thought it would be of some help for shot ideas, themes and feels which I could attempt to portray in my project


During brainstorming and planning I have come up with the initial idea of going for a run which provides me with the different steps i need to be able to tell a story, I have been looking at many videos and short clips which will help me to get an idea of what I need. An establishing shot of sorts for a solid start, I will need to plan other creative shots for my middle and with the idea of a run I will be able to end it possible with no running i.e. running out of energy and having to stop.

Crash Band Wallop

We have begun our second year and a new project entitled Crash Band Wallop where we will proceed to make a 15 second video using Final Cut Pro and Adobe After Effects of a life event of our choice. We will have to have at least 20 edit points which is so that the video comes across as fast paced and exciting, whilst also telling the short story of what ever we have in mind for our project.